Nurse Advice Line
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Nurse Advice Line
Nurse Advice Line All G-Health members can now call the free Nurse Advice Line to get health care information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To speak to a nurse, call:
The nurses can help you when you have questions about health concerns or need health information.
Please note the nurse advice line is an added benefit to G-Health members.
Nurse Advice Line staff can help you decide what kind of care to seek. You might be able to treat the condition at home, you might need to see your doctor, or you might need to get urgent or immediate care.
If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, call 911 or your local emergency number.
The Nurse Advice Line staff will also let your provider know about your call and the advice you received.
Let the nurse know when you call if you need an interpreter.